Typography has always evolved at the intersection of technology and culture. Uses emerge, tools invented, designers experiment with aesthetics and function which challenge conventions and eventually become new ones.
In the current moment, Machine Learning and Generative AI are being used, among other things, to aid typeface design, guide selection, and improve typesetting, including in Japanese.
Join us for an evening looking at the past, recent developments and future of typography—looking at how designers and technologists are shaping type to serve a diverse range of human expression and understanding.
Can't make this one? Please join our community to hear about future design events hosted by AQ.
18:30 Doors open
19:00 Min-Young Kim
19:30 Chris Cid
20:00 Shuhei Iitsuka
20:30 Chat and drinks
21:30 Close
All talks will be given in English.
CJKs are usually grouped together. Yes, they share many similar traits, but the path their types took to develop are distinctively different.
The talk will look at Japanese and Korean type via history, type classification, and typesetting (engineering). For example, how metal type was imported (or invented in Korea's case!), vanished through seclusion policy and reimported, invention of phototypesetting (in Japan), how multiscript typesetting was done.
What are the shared traits and what are the differences? Why is it important to understand these differences? How can we make better typefaces and typography afterwards?
Accessibility is about how to build inclusive designs and creative solutions that serve as many as possible people’s needs.
For both digital and physical products, the common foundation for great accessible solutions lays down to our typography settings and typeface selections.
Chris will share some learnings and ‘secrets’ on accessible typography, covering the basics for both western / alphabetic languages, as well as for Japanese.
⁃ Legibility and readability
⁃ Areas to focus for accessible typefaces
⁃ How to optimize for people with anxiety, dyslexia, low vision, autistic, …
⁃ Finally, what is not accessibility
Japanese, Chinese, and some other Asian languages don’t have space delimiters between words, which leads to unpleasant word wraps that break a single word or phrase into multiple lines. That is why word segmentation is required for authentic and readable typesetting in those languages, but it usually comes at a high cost (e.g. huge dictionaries and processing latency). BudouX is a compact machine learning model that performs rapid word segmentation for better line breaks in those languages, which is now part of the CSS specification as word-break: auto-phrase. I will talk about what BudouX is and our vision for better CJK typesetting in the future.
Min-Young Kim is a trilingual typography consultant, project manager, and a researcher specializing in CJK-Latin typography. After completing her Master's degree at Musashino Art University on history & modern usages of CJK-Latin multiscript typesetting, Min developed her career in font business as a type project manager at Japanese type foundries: Morisawa and Fontworks. She established Studio Em Dash in 2020, with a focus on multilingual type development and typographical consultancy.
Chris Cid is a (digital and physical) product designer and experience engineer.
Focusing on inclusive solutions since the early days of web, back in the era of HTML2 and pre‐CSS/JS.
With a background on graphic design, animation, and post‐production. Spending most of his career to building digital experiences.
He has a passion on languages and writing system. For the later one he came in Japan first time during 2004 to learn more about Japanese typography and calligraphy (書道); fall in love with the culture, people, and nature and is living in Tokyo since 2012.
Shuhei Iitsuka is a creative technologist / UX engineer striving to close the gap between machine learning and Web technology and bring an innovative user experience through their synergy. After earning a PhD in Engineering from the University of Tokyo, focusing on research related to machine learning and Web optimization, he has dedicated himself to making machine learning technology accessible to everyone. His efforts include creating interactive websites like Emoji Scavenger Hunt and authoring the introductory book “Introduction to Machine Learning on Web Optimization,” published by O’Reilly.
This event was co-organized by AQ and Shuhei Iitsuka, and hosted by AQ.
AQ is an independent design and research studio based in Tokyo and Paris, helping teams build
imaginative products and services from a deep understanding of people and culture.
18:30 開場
19:00 Min-Young Kim
19:30 Chris Cid
20:00 Shuhei Iitsuka
20:30 Chat & Drinks
21:30 終了
アクセシビリティとは、できるだけ多くの人々のニーズに応えるインクルーシブなデザインと創造的なソリューションを構築することです。 デジタル製品でも物理的な製品でも、優れたアクセシブルなソリューションを提供するための共通の基盤は、適切なタイポグラフィの設定と書体の選択にあります。
⁃ レジビリティとリーダビリティ
⁃ アクセシブルな書体で重視すべき領域
⁃ 不安・失読症・ロービジョン・自閉症などを持つ人々のための最適化
⁃ アクセシビリティでは「ない」ものとは
BudouXは、これらの言語でより良い改行を実現するための高速な単語分割を行うコンパクトな機械学習モデルであり、現在ではword-break: auto-phraseとしてCSS仕様の一部となっています。BudouXとは何か、そして今後のより良いCJK組版のための我々のビジョンについてお話します。
Min-Young Kim は、CJK-Latin専門のタイポグラフィコンサルタント、プロジェクトマネージャー、リサーチャーです。武蔵野美術大学大学院でCJK-Latin多言語印刷物の歴史と現代における活用法に関する研究で修士号を取得後、モリサワとフォントワークスにてプロジェクトマネージャーとして活動しました。2020年に自身の研究所であるStudio Em Dashを設立し、多言語書体開発とタイポグラフィコンサルティングに注力しています。
Chris Cid は、(デジタルおよび物理的な)製品デザイナーおよびエクスペリエンスエンジニアです。 HTML2とCSS/JS以前の時代、Webの初期からインクルーシブなソリューションに注力してきました。 グラフィックデザイン、アニメーション、ポストプロダクションのバックグラウンドを持ち、キャリアの大半をデジタルエクスペリエンスの構築に費やしてきました。
Shuhei Iitsuka は、機械学習とWebテクノロジーのギャップを埋め、その相乗効果によって革新的なユーザーエクスペリエンスをもたらすことに尽力するクリエイティブテクノロジスト/UXエンジニアです。東京大学大学院で工学博士号を取得し、機械学習とWeb最適化に関する研究に取り組んだ後、機械学習技術を誰もが利用できるようにすることに専念しています。彼の取り組みには、Emoji Scavenger Huntのようなインタラクティブなウェブサイトの制作や、O’Reillyから出版された入門書「ウェブ最適化ではじめる機械学習」の執筆などが含まれます。
本イベントはAQとShuhei Iitsukaによって共同企画され、AQによって主催されます。
AQ は、東京とパリを拠点とする独立系デザイン&リサーチスタジオであり、人々と文化に対する深い理解から、想像力豊かな製品やサービスをチームが構築するのを支援しています。
Events related to design, culture and technology hosted by AQ, an independent design and research studio based in Tokyo https://www.aqworks.com/