
Jingumae Open Studio – Experiments with Work in Progress

Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:00 - Fri, 14 Jun 2024 17:00 JST

AQ Jingumae Studio

Shibuya Jingumae 1-1-8 Ken Harbor Harajuku #301


Registration is closed

Get invited to future events

From A to Q essay reading (AQ) [ 6/12 Wednesday 16:00-17:00 ] Free
Yatsugatake House (AQ) [ 6/13 Thursday 11:00-13:00 ] Free
sankaku Volume 3: In Progress — 6月13日(木)15:00-16:30 Free
Design Critique w/ Ian Lynam [ 6/13 Thursday 16:30-18:00 ] Free
Listening Session w/ Temple Market Bathhouse [ 6/13 Thursday 18:00-18:30 ] Free
Opening Party [ 6/13 Thursday 18:30-21:30 ] Free
Tea Gathering w/ T Ladies @Eikyuan [ 6/14 Friday 10:00-12:00 ] Free
Designing in the Open w/ Nuevo Studio [ 6/14 Friday 12:00-13:00 ] Free
Tea Gathering w/ T Ladies Pt.2 — 6/14 Friday 13:30-15:30 Free
Writing Session w/ Mike Fu and Carina Fushimi [ 6/14 Friday 11:00-12:00 ] Free
Sip and Sketch w/ Agnes Nata [ 6/14 Friday 17:00-18:30] Free



presented by AQ and Temple Market Bathhouse
June 12th, 13th, 14th 2024
Opening Party June 13th 18:30

Join us in celebrating the opening of our new studio and participate in our experiment with work-in-progress.

Opening up work-in-progress for others to experience, contemplate and input on is an important but not straightforward component of individual and shared creative practices. 

For 3 days we will open up our Jingumae Studio for talks, critiques, and demos to explore the idea of opening our work up to others before it’s “finished”.

Can't make this one? Please join our community to hear about future design events hosted by AQ. 

Program and Schedule

If you want to participate in multiple sessions, please select one daytime session to register, then indicate the other session in the questionnaire which follows

6.12 Wed

16:00-17:00 — From A to Q

with Chris, Eiko and Tomomi from AQ

Draft reading from the forthcoming collection of essays From A toQ, threading together learnings from 20 years of building a vibrant studio practice

6.13 Thu

11:00-13:00 — Yatsugatake House (AQ)

with Amelie, Yumi et. al from AQ

Members of AQ will present the concept and design of our space in Yamanashi Prefecture, and host a discussion about the concept of “pop-up kyoten” (base).
Lunch will be provided.

15:00-16:30 — Sankaku Volume 3: In Progress

with Sankaku

Meet the Sankaku editorial team for a sneak peek into Volume 3 and open call for contributors

16:30-18:00 — Design Critique w/ Ian Lynam

with Ian Lynam

Participate in a design critique led by Ian Lynam and learn how to hold and lead constructive sessions. Help other designers improve their work or bring your WIP for critique.

18:00-18:30 — Listening Session w/ Temple Market Bathhouse

with Temple Market Bathhouse

Join the TMBH team for a demo and listening session of their new prototype, typhoon city inspired speaker stool.

18:30-21:30 — Opening Party

6.14 Fri

11:00-12:00 — Finding your flow: Writing session

with [Mike Fu and Carina Fushimi]

Take part in a casual writing session where we’ll respond to two prompts, discuss inspiration and roadblocks, and just enjoy the process of getting ideas down on paper. Whether you are journaling for yourself, working on fiction or nonfiction prose, or writing for a business context, this session can serve as a starting point. Please bring pens and paper!

10:00-12:00 — Tea Gathering Pt. 1 @Eikyuan

with [T Ladies]

A trio of tea ceremony enthusiasts from three different schools, host you for tea and sweets in a two-mat tea room set up in the corner of the studio. Join us to learn the traditional forms and play with new ones.

12:00-13:00 — Designing in the Open w/ Nuevo Studio

with Alvaro Falcon

Nuevo Studio founder and director Alvaro Arregui Falcon will share his motivations and learnings from publishing work in progress self-initiated design projects, and lead a discussion of the joys and complexities of designing in the open.

Lunch will be provided.

13:30-15:30 — Tea Gathering Pt. 2 @Eikyuan

with [T Ladies]

A trio of tea ceremony enthusiasts from three different schools, host you for tea and sweets in a two-mat tea room set up in the corner of the studio. Join us to learn the traditional forms and play with new ones.

17:00 - 18:30 Sip and Sketch

with Agnes Nata

Unwind your mind through abstract drawing while sipping on cocktails mixed by Alvin Cheung from TMBH. Still life objects arranged by art director Agnes Nata. Sip and Sketch is a place of honing your senses, exploring your intuition and most importantly play. Bring your own sketchbook and choice of medium if you like. Paper, acrylic paint, markers provided.

About this community

Events with AQ

Events with AQ

Events related to design, culture and technology hosted by AQ, an independent design and research studio based in Tokyo

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